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What Pattern Is Your Brain? (English)

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What Pattern Is Your Brain? (English) Empty What Pattern Is Your Brain? (English)

Mensaje  pau_metal Lun Mar 03, 2008 3:44 pm

What Pattern Is Your Brain?

What Pattern Is Your Brain? (English) 8

Hace click aqui para comenzar:

Como Jugar:
<HR id=false>

  1. Escoger una imagen haciendo click en su respectivo circulito, el cual se encuentra debajo de la misma.
  2. Una vez elegida la imagen hacer click en submit
  3. Aparecera un texto como el siguiente:

Your Brain's Pattern
You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.
People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.
But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.

4. Debajo del texto aparecera un codigo en HTML para poner en tu blog o pagina web:


[table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=350 align=center border=0][tr][td align=middle bgColor=#eeeeee]
[font=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][color=black]
[b]Your Brain's Pattern[/b]
[tr][td bgColor=#ffffff]
You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.

You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.

People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.

But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.
[center][url=[url=]What]">What[/url] Pattern Is Your Brain?[/url][/center]

Postea tus resultados!!!!

Cantidad de envíos : 633
Edad : 33
Localización : Rosario
Fecha de inscripción : 12/02/2008

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